Here's how it works: a business such as a landfill or transportation company develops a project that reduces greenhouse gas emissions above and beyond what is already required of them by law. These reductions are measured and verified by independent third parties.
A carbon offset is then created when the project reduces its emissions by one metric ton of carbon dioxide. These carbon offsets can then be purchased by other individuals and businesses to counterbalance or “green” their carbon footprint since these projects would not have otherwise been developed. This way, everybody wins.
Our carbon offsets are unique because they go one step further by also including investments in activities such as tree plantings that improve air and water quality. We invest a portion of the proceeds into the Carbon Reduction Fund every time carbon offsets are purchased. The fund is managed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) and go toward new projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also helping to improve air and water quality.
Forestry Projects – Maintaining healthy forests are a major way to absorb carbon dioxide. Forest projects help ensure that forests can continue to provide this necessary ecoservice. In addition, there are added co-benefits of habitat protection and improved water quality.
Urban Forestry – In addition to the same benefits as rural forestry projects, Urban Forests have additional co-benefits as they help to cool cities and provide tranquil spaces for people to enjoy, while reducing noise pollution and helping to conserve energy.
Landfill Gas Capture – Landfill Gas (LFG) is created when waste in landfills decomposes over time. This LFG or methane accounts for almost 23% of man-made methane emissions in the United States. As the gas builds up in a landfill, it rises and is captured and destroyed by flaring it (burning) to the atmosphere. Many projects are also able to capture the gas in pipeline systems and convert the gas into energy which can be used for heating or electricity. Carbon offsets are then created representing the reduction in the volume of methane and nitrous oxide that would have otherwise been released to the atmosphere.
Inter-modal Transportation – Are projects that use a less carbon intensive way to transport goods and services. This is accomplished by transporting semi-trailers via rail versus having trucks transport the trailers to the desired location. This results in less carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere.
Industrial Process Emissions/HFC Reductions – These projects help fund process improvements to the manufacturing and application of polyurethane foam. The manufacturing and application of all polyurethane foam requires the use of blowing agents that contain chemicals that contribute to climate change. Carbon offsets result when the amount of chemicals used in the process are reduced.